I do feel for this guy and even more so for all the other congregants that now have to travel miles to their KH and suffer all the problems of parking restrictions etc.
However, the real people to blame are all the Elders that signed the deeds over to the Kingdom Hall Trust back in 2014. As Trustees of the Congregation Charity their priority is to work for the benefit of that charity and signing away all the assets could hardly be called that! The Charity Commission don't seem too interested in such cases however. I wonder if this guy was an Elder and thus part of the problem. In any case I suspect after a video such as this his time as a JW will be limited either because he will walk or he will be disfellowshipped, same outcome either way.
Back in 2014 I told an Elder this in my congregation that this action would come back to bite him. He told me that even if all the elders refused the WT Society would remove them and replace them with enough compliant Elders to get the job done. I'm sure he was correct.